1) Permanency Tip of the Week: Uniqueness of Every Permanency Journey; 2) Permanency Success Story of the Week: James’ Story; 3) Teaching Traumatized Kids; 4) A Ray of Hope – Older Adults are Stepping Up for Teenagers in Need; 5) What’s Hindering Most Youth in Foster Care from Studying After High School?; 6) In-Spite Of Hard Moments, This Is So Beautiful!; 7) Potential Impact of Research on Adolescent Development on Juvenile Judge Decision‐making
Permanency in the News – Week of 7/23/18
1) Permanency Tip of the Week: What do I Receive from the Permanency Relationship?; 2) Permanency Success Story of the Week: Fostering Great Ideas: Celeste – A Bright Note!; 3) Collins, Casey Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren as Opioid Epidemic Increases Their Numbers; 4) Foster, Adoptive Parents Find an Oasis in New Online Membership Community; 5) Complex Trauma – Never Give Up: A Video by Youth for Youth; 6) Mental Health Interventions for Children in Foster Care;
Permanency in the News – Week of 6/11/18
1) Permanency Tip of the Week: Four Concept Process of Youth Engagement ~ Permanency; 2) Permanency Success Story of the Week: Sandra Bullock Emotionally Discusses Growing her Family Through Adoption; 3) Early Takeaways from 50-State Look at Extended Foster Care; 4) Back on Track: Supporting Youth Reentry from Out-of-Home Placement to the Community; 5) Half of Children Born to Mothers in Child Protective Custody Also Taken Into Care by Age 2; 6) Additional Actions Could Help HHS Better Support States’ Use of Private Providers to Recruit and Retain Foster Families; 7) One Local Nonprofit Views Life in Foster Care Through a Child’s Eyes