Permanency Tip of the Week: Reframing Mental Illness Diagnosis through a Trauma and Permanency Informed Lens According to the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM 5 (2013), “The diagnostic criteria identify symptoms, behaviors, cognitive functions, personality traits, physical signs, syndrome combinations, and durations that require clinical expertise to differentiate from normal life variation and transient responses to […]
Permanency in the News – Week of 8/27/18
1) Permanency Tip of the Week: Dealing with Adversity Over and Over Again; 2) Permanency Success Story of the Week: What It’s Like to Have a Mother by Lorraine; 3) What Gives Me Hope for Child Welfare; 4) How Child Abuse Primes the Brain for Future Mental Illness; 5) Pierce County: Trailblazer for Probation Transformation; 6) Happy Papas; 7) Unconditional Love Building a Stronger Sense of Self-Worth for Children and Youth in Foster Care-Guest Blog by Michelle Madrid-Branch